
Hello again…it is almost Spring here in Canada. The temps go from warm then back to freezing every few days lest we get complacent and think winter is over!

I’m sitting here after a cold dog walk ,sipping my hot tea and just read an article in a local magazine about women and how far we have come in the world at least in terms of homemaking !

I think my generation of babies born after the second World War ,came in at a very interesting time. I have watched women scream,fight and protest their way to some sort of freedom from the confines of strickly being housewives, child bearers and minders to knowing they could work at anything they wanted to,get all the education they wanted and if marriage and children were in the picture ,husbands would hopefully step up and help.

This was my Mom ,on the left, a Dental Nurse or Assistant as they are now called,in the 1940’s.

She loved her job but after she married my Dad in 1949 she was not allowed to work outside the home. Her job was to make a comfortable home ,look after my father and have children .

She didnt regret focusing on family as that was what women did, but she needed more and found things to do that fulfilled her need to be around people . She was a guide leader and taught a partyfoods course, among other voluteer stints. She loved to cook and try new things and thankfully kept all her oldest cookbooks so now I may enjoy them!

What I wanted to talk about was recipe books ! I find them facinating …how they have morphed from covering every aspect of keeping house to the shiny bright tomes that making us feel quite lacking in the area of cookery! Healthy ingredients presented so beautifully no one could resit a taste!

THis reproduction of an old book cerca 1877, I bought in the gift shop of a museum/ art gallery. Its a fascinating read with everything from “social observances”to “housekeeping”, laundry and cures for the invalids! I love the menus at the back and considering women had to do laundry by hand the lunch menu is excessive! My mother in law told me that on busy days the children would get a slice of bread and a canned pear or such ! No fancy lunch for sure!

Old cookbooks were always about so much more than food ! How to make stove black to keep your wood burning cookstove at its shiny best, how to cure various illnesses to how to iron a tablecloth …most every homekeeping question is answered! Even brewing beer and wines!

This old blue ribbon book was my Mom’s and along with her Five Roses Flour book, were always on the kichen table beside her sunbeam mixer! Ah the memories of the wonderful baking that we all gobbled down !

Most women had small notebooks or binders where the carefully cut out recipes from the daily newspaper or ladies magazines were glued. I have a jello recipe (jello was standard fare in the fifties and sixties)…that was written in the margin of a 1955 phone bill…probably never made but who knows !

The old 1970’s Kate Aikens book is mine . I bought it in 1976 after I was married and many of the recipes have ” Helpful hints for brides ” under them!

It is totally falling apart as it was well used and I still pull it out for some favorite cookie and pie recipes!

My favorite cookbooks by far are by the late Edna Staebler,” Schmecks Appeal ” and “More food that really Schmecks”

Her books are mostly Mennonite recipes that she wrote down while visiting her Mennonite friend’s and her own delicious, simple food !

Each chapter starts with a story and many recipes have little snipits of info,some quite amusing! You can read them cover to cover then go back and try the recipes!

All the old cookbooks ,the ones written before television, when women were quite often isolated were like encyclopedias for these homemakers . Now we can just ” google” absolutely everything ,including recipes so why have the books ?! Yes we have come along way as they say ,heck we don’t even need to cook if we don’t want to. Fast food ,takeout,ready made frozen everything ,its all available !

I admit to getting recipes off of Pinterest alot , but I pull out my own cookbooks and yes my binder full of cut out recipes regularly too.

Yes we have come along way ladies and I’m thankful for that , we have “Maids” as my Mom called her dishwasher and washing machine, we have a myriad of electrical appliances ,microwave ovens …I could go on ,but its nice to slow down and puruse a cookbook ,especially if generations before me thumbed through the same one , and possibly create something from it. Make some buiscuits or a loaf of bread ,a simple soup made from scratch will be better for you than any canned soup.Creating a meal can be a pleasure and when its made with a scoop of love its even better ! Men are wonderful cooks and its fun to watch my son in law get so enthusiastic about his smoker or the beautiful sourdough loaf he just made ,between him and my daughter they feed their family wonderful healthy food …my own son and I spent lots of time cooking together as well and my Grandchildren all love to cook with me. I’ll be passing these old cookbooks down to them I’m sure and they can have a laugh at the old ways !

Well I’m off to pull out my recipe for Cottage Pie ,not sure where it originated from…that’s what Hubs is getting for dinner, one of his favorites.

Happy Cooking and if you have a chance to look into the past via an old cookbook do so! It’s a facinating peek into a time gone by!

Cheers! Jaye

An Ode to Homekeeping 🍽

As this year 2023 comes to an end, I was trying to decide on a subject for my Blog …..what have I not really touched on ?

 Homekeeping came to me as I was oiling my wooden utensils one day…..how many ,who like me when I was younger, don’t know all the things about keeping a home ? Basic things ,tips and tricks to make it easier etc. because as much as I love a clean organized home I dont want to work overly hard at it ! Who’s with me !!

For me I need clean and organized and the hard truth is, it’s something you have to continually work at ! Some set aside a day to get most of it done …the vacuuming ,dusting ,floor washing etc. Maybe a Saturday if they work all week. Now I’m retired, something gets cleaned everyday and at some point during the week I tackle bigger jobs like floors ,dusting ,tidying the fridge(really hate that!) Once a month or so I deep clean one room ,dust the high up things or whatever I feel like . I’m not one to make a schedule or detailed lists but if that keeps you on track go for it ! There are so many organizational ready made lists and charts online to help you identify what should be tackled and how often,frankly I find many of them overwhelming ! I suggest you make your own after purusing the online ones as we all have different priorities !

Did you know your wooden utensils and wood cutting boards need cleaning and oiling? I did mine a few weeks ago and just love how nice they looked and were so much easier to clean food debris off!

So pretty right ?? Here’s how I do it …some people want you to soak them ,then wash and dry but to me ,wood and water are not friends! Sitting too long in water can make the wood swell and your wood utensils will not last as long ! Now my boards… the one used daily does get icky looking ,stained etc so I will sprinkle on some salt ,a teaspoon or so then cut a lemon in half and use it to scrub all the ick away ! Give it a rinse ,air dry completely before oiling !

My utensils are put away clean so I just get them all out along with my 4 wood cutting boards .You need a clean rag ( used only for this ) or some paper towel. I have a bottle of oil made specifically for wood ,it has lasted years…but not necessary,any food grade oil is fine,olive,canola,grapeseed,etc.

Pour some oil on the board or in the case of utensils pour some on your cloth and just start rubbing it in …go with the grain of the wood ,absorbs better. Do all surfaces ,edges and backs of your boards and when your done lay them out for a bit to really let it get absorbed then put away ! You only need to do this maybe twice a year,or whenever they start to look dried out.

Because I have very few drawers in my Kitchen ,I keep my cooking utensils in crocks and old pitchers by the stove . They also need some TLC regularly….I’m always grossed out by what migrates to the botton of those !!

I love my all natural dish brushes and the bottle brush get alot of use…hot water, a squirt of dish soap and voila, clean and ready for my freshly oiled spoons and spurtles ! Now what about your knives ??

I have a mid priced set that will do me forever as well as some better quality ones that belonged to my Mom. Hers are my favorite,she looked after them and my Dad made sure they were sharp as a razor blade ! I had a knife block for decades but decided I needed the counter space so I bought a magnetic block that attached to my back splash …so much better! Knives are best stored so they arent touching ,keeps the blades sharp and the magnetic block makes it easy to see which one you need at a glance ! Please never ever ever let them soak in a sink of water! After washing try to dry right away as water will discolour the steel eventually. Take good care of them and they will serve you well!

As you may know from previous posts I love to clean with my Enjo system , just using water but sometimes for certain jobs I make my own cleaning product.One of these is a dusting spray ,chemical free and you can use whatever essential oils you prefer. I like to use it because it cleans and leaves a nice luster on wood surfaces ,smell nice and I think repels dust .

super simple…

In a small spray bottle ,6 or 8 ounce, fill half way with water ,filtered is best but not necessary….add a 1/2 tsp dish detergent…2 tsp. Of olive or avocado oil and a few drops of your fav essential oil.

I like ,orange ,lemon, rosemary, peppermint …one or a combo.

It will separate so give it a good shake before spaying you dusting cloth.

Many years ago I bought a book called Simple Country Wisdom,by Susan Waggoner.

She gives you advice on every aspect of homemaking ,the whys and wherefores tips and tricks ! The photography is great as well. One thing she said that resonated with me was that it all starts at the entrance points of your house. I you keep the entry ways clean your house will stay cleaner ! Dirt migrates from outside and can then migrate all over your home !

If nothing else keep the floor swept or vacuumed and try to keep people from wearing their outside shoes in the house. My oldest Daughter has always been strict about this and for good reason ! Shoes are covered in dirt, animal feces, car oil and who knows what else . Have a tray at each door for shoes to be deposited on. sweep out to hall closet as well ,I know here in Canada when the roads are salted and sanded in winter,the anount of dirt coming in on footwear is shocking ! Lol

Another suggestion I’d like to make is after supper do a quick reset of your kitchen!

For me that means on top of loading the dishwasher ,putting leftovers away, I try to wash up anything else that can’t go in the dishwasher ,wipe down counters ,stove etc. Put things away ,get out a fresh dish cloth or hand towel. There is nothing better than starting your day in a clean organized kitchen! If you can wrangle some help even better. I believe that if we teach our children these habits they in turn will be happier when they go out on their own ! Well done ! Now for a cup of tea , and a relaxing evening ahead !🫖

At the end of the day ,keeping our home a calm ,organized and clean space helps with our mental and physical health and teaching the next generation how to do this will make their lives easier. I know when my home is messy ,dusty or whatever I’m anxious and grumpy…you don’t have to love cleaning but the rewards are worth it !

I’m a big believer in decluttering as well. The older I get, I can’t tolerate clutter and lots of stuff. I declutter regularly and I definately feel happier and lighter when Ive spent some time at it . Start small, do it regularly and you will start to see results ! This is a huge subject ,again lots of info on line!

I’d love to hear from you ,any tips you have learned ,questions or just let me know if this post made cleaning easier for you ! There is much more to cover but this post is long enough !! Hope you stuck with me friends !!

As we welcome 2024 I wish you well , may wars end ,the hungry and homeless be fed and housed…lets stay positive and send our light out into the world !



Fir Cottage….named after the 70 ft Balsam Fir in the backyard…

Hi Everyone ! Almost September and the weather is fine ! A few months ago one of my followers requested a tour of my home so here it is ! Its at it’s best when the sunshine streams in and the birds are chirping .

As my husband works hard (volunteering) to house our homeless veterens I am reminded continually how fortunate we are to have never been homeless or in real need of shelter and food ! Our homeless problem is like most cities, out of control….very few rents that are afordable here as well as the bigger cities. I have no idea what the solution is but pray we can figure it out ,no one should be without the safety of a roof over their head ! Anyhoo with much gratitude here it is !

This Regency Ontario Cottage was built in 1875, a workers cottage ,plain but servicable !

It was a very popular style that was used from about 1870 to the 1890’s. Depending on the builder(owner) and how much money he had depended on how fancy it was. Many have a peak over the door with or without some gingerbread . Thomas Engleton who built mine was a packer across the Thames river in the city of London, in various factories. This area was the town of Petersville before London annexed it in the late 1800’s. He raised 5 children here until he moved to a slightly larger home.

Some of the original trim is still here,it would cost a fortune to recreate it! 14 inch baseboard !

We have done some renovating since I purchased the house in 2005. The floors which were narrow oak strip, probably put in in the 40’s or 50’s was worn down badly and I was getting huge slivers off of it, so we laid a new engineered floor in hicory . Our kitchen and mudroom have very slopy floors so they got flexible vinyl plank which I love. Easy to clean and floats on the linoleum underneath!

The built in pantry, cerca the 1920’s according to the lady who researched the history of the house,is my fav part of the house I think!

It holds a ton of pantry items and is quite deep especially on the bottom. The tall cabinet on the left was turned into a liquor cabinet by the previous owner but sometimes I wish it was a broom closet ! My brooms are hung in the mudroom which isn’t far away !!

I thrift alot to help furnish my home and give it personality. It’s absolutely the best way to decorate your home. I like old things that have history. If your on a budget search out local thrift stores,antiques shops etc. The search is part of the fun !

Well I hope you enjoy my tour , its a marvelous house,everyone one who enters loves it and many have commented on what good energy it has . I guess thats one reason I fell in love with it as soon as I had toured it!

Wherever you live ,make your home a reflection of you! Make it a safe, happy sanctuary for you and your family. Fill it with things that you love, keep clutter down, it frees up your mind and soul and lets you concentrate on other more important things!

Front hall,3×6 feet,4 doorways off of it! My art /sewing room is to the right of the front door ,behind the curtain, SORRY ITS A DISASTER as I’m getting ready for a sale at a local market !

Sunshiny day!

Dining room,1963 Teak dining set I grew up with.

Custom cabinets we had done by a friend,solved the storage issues we have in a tiny 900 square foot cottage ! I mention all my paint colours in a previous post !

Master bedroom

Guest room / Grandkids toy room! Bed and dresser family heirlooms,desk was my Dads

Hygge in My Home

Happy late Spring here in Canada! Yes I know I’ve been AWOL for too long ….why?….not sure . Maybe 3 years of covid was putting me off and yes I’ve kept very busy with family and friends .

Perfect afternoon

Anyhoo whatever the reason I hit some inspiration today!

I’ve been curious about the Danish term Hygge…pronounced I believe as “hu gay”…correct me if I’m wrong please ! The first book I saw on the subject was ” The Little Book of Hygge” by Meik Wiking. However I didn’t read it but read many reviews on it. It facinated me because it is basicly what I do everyday just didnt know there was a name for it! To make my home feel cosy and warm and to have a feeling of safety and comfort for me, my hubby and anyone who visits !

Small things bring me joy and Lord knows we all need to find some joy in our lives! Sunlight in the morning can hit something and I’ll jump up and take a picture of it or just stare at it!

A cosy throw, sqishy pillows, warm socks,candles, favorite books and magazines…hot tea ,or freshly ground coffee in the morning… it all makes me happy, comforted and feeling safe. I love to bake and cook ,preserve food in jams and pickles…making what I can myself is very hygge for me and what invokes a feeling of home more than the smell of baking !

Warm scones !

My Mother always said I loved cosy things as a child and liked my stuff out where I could see it ! I remember refusing to wear certain things because they weren’t soft enough…I probably drove her nuts alot of the time but as she told my second husband when we started dating ” Jaye likes what she likes and you don’t have to understand it !”

Well said Mom….he stuck around so I guess he has accepted my ways !

The Scandinavians have perfected Hygge I think maybe because like us in Canada the winters are long and home is where we spend alot of time . As Meik says in his second book “My Hygge Home” Danes are essentially introverts that prefer to entertain at home !

I have some Norwegian Blood in me thanks to my maternal Grandfather …maybe thats why I love danish style . I have my parents Danish Teak dining set that I grew up using …a cabinet and nesting tables ,all teak and bought in the 60’s or early 70’s. It’s still in vogue , as popular today as it was in the 60’s although the prices have skyrocketed as a new generation are discovering how beautiful and adaptable mid century design is !

The table and 8 chairs are 60 years old and just beautiful still! They get a rub of danish oil once a year to keep the finish !

What does hygge mean for you ?

Family and friends enjoying your home and hospitality? Candles at dinner? A roaring fire? Oooh thats one I’d like!

A good book and a warm drink ? Pets by your side…..so many things can bring us comfort and a sense of being safe and cared for.

We don’t need huge homes …my hubs and I happily live in 900 square feet …although maybe having lots of square footage brings you joy. Some of us are minimalists, some maximalists .

It’s whatever makes YOU happy!

I find too much stuff makes me anxious so I constantly purge and donate. Covid lockdowns were great for that as we needed things to do at home other than cook and bake and eat !!

You don’t have to spend money or hire a decorator ,hygge is about making your home a comforting refuge for yourself and your family. Think about what habits you have and I bet you will realize you’ve followed the principles of a hygge home without realizing it !

One family with 3 teenagers were quoted in ” My Hygge Home” as having started the habit of lighting many candles on the table during their family dinner. The boys teased their parents about it but after a few nights the parents realized the boys were no longer shoveling their food in and jumping up from the table but lingering ,telling stories and having meaningful conversations with their parents and each other !

Lets get out to good china , light a candle ,or many , and take the time to enjoy our homes and each other! My one Grandaughter …I have 3 beauties ! …who is now 10 loves to light candles and set a nice table when she comes for dinner or we are at her house. She chooses the fine porcelain tea cup for our tea and why not !

I highly recommend Meik’s books. They are interesting reads and they give us a look into another culture…really not so different from ours, but maybe they are consistantly at the top of the list of the happiest countries because they have, for one thing, perfected Hygge!

I wish you all a wonderful Summer or Autumn if your in the southern hemisphere! Turn off the news and practice some Hygge….we all need some comfort and joy in this life !


In the Summer Garden

Second day of Summer here in Ontario! We have been cycling between cool and rainy to hot and humid but today is a perfect temp,23°c, clear blue sky and sunshine!

Spring flowers are done and early summer ones are starting…bugbane,Stella Doro day lilys , and lavender ! My roses are full too…

Lovely Lavender

My lavender is in the front garden where people regularly stop to have a sniff or snap off a bloom to take with them …I don’t mind at all its there for everyone to enjoy ! The scent of a flower can reignite a memory or just make you feel good, dont you agree?

Oakleaf hydrangea never fails to impress!

Today I spent the morning weeding the veg garden ,cursing the critters that ate all my lettuce and bean plants, and thinned my carrots and beets . Knock wood they get ignored by the beasties and I get a decent harvest.

Here’s my wee veg garden tucked beside the house….

I follow a gentleman in England who has an extensive garden on a small plot where he gets most of his food from! He has great ideas for using every bit up so as I was pulling little carrots and beet plants ,no more than 3 or 4 inches tall I remembered that he uses them for pesto or adding to a salad!

I had a good handful of seedlings plus I took the tops off of my spinach plants that were bolting ,picked some parsely and basil from my pot on the deck and headed inside to make pesto!

Last year I posted a garlic scape pesto that I had made and I definately will be making that again just waiting for my scapes to get a bit longer, but today something a bit different !

As usual I just kinda wing it no real recipe but if you like measurements there are plenty of pesto recipes on the internet, just substitute a mix of greens for the usual basil only. You can use spinach,kale,chard ,beet or carrot tops …any green really . I like to add basil as it is a nice strong flavor that compliments the milder tasting greens .

I add the greens to my food processor, I had about 3 cups….3 cloves of garlic and let it blend for a few seconds …

Next I added about 1/3 cup give or take of raw walnuts for some heart healthy fat and nice flavor…any nut you like is fine or a combo works ! While your machine is running pour in some extra virgin olive oil…1/4 to 1/3 cup…till you have a nice smooth consistency , not runny !

Next add some good parmesan cheese thats been finely grated,1/2 a cup and the juice of a lemon and salt and pepper to taste !

Voila yummy pesto! I love it on toast with melted cheese and fresh tomatoe slices or you can add to pasta, bruschetta etc. It will last about a week in the fridge or much longer in the freezer,yes pesto can be frozen !

Messy but soooo good !!

This is so good for you, none of natures nutrients have been cooked out of the greens. I tasted it before I added the cheese and it was very good, so you can leave out the dairy if you are vegan and its still amazing !

Always nice to learn something new ,eat something you may have been too quick to toss in the composter before! Soon I’ll be harvesting peas and the pods will go in the freezer with my veg scraps that I save for making bone broth, or veggie broth. Of course I’ll be making my garlic scape pesto too!

What do you do in your garden that we can all learn about? Id love to hear !

No matter if you have a large or small garden or a few pots on your deck you can grow some food too….its not hard and for very small cost you can have some basicly free food for your family ! I try to buy in season fruits and vegetables at local farmers markets, its fresh and delicious… hours from field to your home , nothing better! I firmly believe that children need to understand how/where food comes from and how to grow it themselves !

More schools are putting in green spaces and gardens for the kids to learn in …one new playground and park near my daughter has gardens that contain local native plants and herbs and fruit that people are welcome to pick .Signage throughout explains whats in a particular garden. I was blown away when I saw it !

My Grandchildren love to plant and dig with me and then of course harvest ! I hope one day they will nurture their own gardens and invite me to dig too! If I’m able !


Well off to take a cuppa and my book out to the garden …enough “work” for today !

Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers! 🌺 Jaye

Sew Many Buttons!

Oh February…..still deep into winter,cold and snowy but at the same time Spring feels like it is inching closer!

I love a sunny brisk day to get out for a walk with one of my friends or solo…..rejuvenates the soul!

February is also the time of year that I start my Spring cleaning and organizing, how about you ?? A couple of weeks ago I decided to tidy my sewing /art room….so much stuff in a tiny room! My art supplies had been sorted previously but some of my quilting ,sewing stuff was all over the place and needed some organization!

These shelves, one from Ikea and one thrifted, hold all sorts of bits and bobs!

My Dad made me the wooden scissor block many years ago ,holds 6 pair of scissors. Such a clever idea ….I also have a collection of pin cushions ,some were made by friends and family and two are heirlooms.

The green velvet one belonged to my maternal Grandmother and has a sterling silver base, its been recovered with new velvet a couple of times. My Mom took it to a jeweler to be done properly. The brass one I found at a thrift store…needs some serious restuffing to be done !

The large factory spools and the smaller wooden thread spools I keep some of my bits of ribbon and lace on, oh and drawers of more ribbons too!

But as the name of my post suggests ,I have hundreds of buttons !!!

The round tin had chocolates in it and belonged to my kids Great Grandmother ….some very old and interesting buttons in there! Here are some really old ones I pulled out…

Oldies but goodies !

The super tiny one on the right I could inagine sewn onto a tiny baby sweater, the big ones would have been on a coat. Do you have an old button box or tin ? Back in the day nothing was thrown out, if a shirt or sweater wore out the buttons or ribbon or lace would be cut off and saved. I remember my Mother doing this, Dads old shirts would go in the rag bag after she had cut all the buttons off!

I bought a tin of buttons at a garage sale one day….the Lady who was having the sale saw me looking through it and came over. She said that it had been her mothers button tin and she hated to sell it but just couldn’t keep everything and she didn’t sew . After hearing some stories of her Mother I assured her I would take good care of it and enjoy looking through it and using some of them. So much history in a button box!

Decades of homemaking ,sewing to clothe their families, knitting sweaters, buying or reusing special buttons to adorn a special gift. And what small child didn’t love to sit and sort through all the beautiful shapes and colours! I know my siblings and I did ! I’m afraid the button box is probably going the way of the dinasaur, as not many people sew clothes anymore…kinda sad …I’ll be passing my buttons down to the next generation in my fam , one of my Grandaughters loves to sew! Hopefully she will enjoy them as so many generations before her did !

When I was in Brownies at age 8 I think…I wanted to get my sewing badge so Mom cut all the pearl buttons of a cardigan of hers and showed me how to sew them back on. I still remember sitting on the couch concentrating so hard ,trying to do a good job so I could get my badge ! I did get it but it wasn’t until I was an adult with my own kids that Mom told me that one by one all the buttons had fallen off ! She never said a word just stitched them back on !

Cosy nook

Well the sewing stuff got organized….sort of ….always more to do just have to stop getting distracted !

I did move an old chair (from the early 50’s,very comphy )into a corner of the room with my thrifted lamp and book shelf I picked up on the side of the road to make a cosy reading corner. When Hubs is watching sports I can retreat to “my” room and do my thing !

One day I’ll try to sort my fabric stash….so many plans to start a quilt but it doesn’t materialize…maybe if all the bits were in some sort of order ??

Well we can hope right?

I’d love to hear about your memories of a special button box or your sewing notion collections!

Late winter ,when we need a distraction from the cold its a good time to sort,clean and organize,then when warmer temps arrive we can be outside ! Happy February!

Cheers my friends ! Jaye 🧵🧶🎨

Lets talk Green Things…

Hi everyone …hope you are all doing well in whatever part of the world you are in !

As per usual the world is topsy turvy and the evening news is rarely fun to watch…hence why I don’t watch if I can help it ! Hubby is away for a few days so the television is off most of the day! I have no problem filling the hours with reading, hobbies etc. Now the gardens have been put to bed for their winter slumber and all the summer furniture stored away its time for indoor pursuits .

Working on a nest series….

Something I’ve always loved is filling my home with indoor tropical plants. I grew up with parents who were avid gardeners and Mom always had houseplants in every window! They bring a home alive and make your indoor air quality so much healthier especially in the winter months when its harder to get fresh air inside. Central heating creates such dry air that is really not good for us! We have a humidifier on our furnace which really makes us and my plants much more comfortable.

Plants filter huge amounts of toxins from the air …all our modern materials whether flooring, paint, furniture etc. all release toxins…off gasing it is called…and having plants in the home helps to remove these.

Too many ??? Yes being stuck at home definately spurred on my plant propagating and collecting !

I purchased a couple of small ones at the grocery store but most of my new ones I propagated from my own collection….honestly it’s the easiest and cheapest way to add to your collection. I begged some cuttings from friends and family too! Make sure you research each plants needs, because if you do the wrong thing they will turn up their toes and die on you!

I have definately lost a few …for some reason I struggle to keep spider plants alive! They are said to be so easy ! Well I have 2 small ones going now ..we will see!

So sad!😕
Hoya and Peace lily

I’m fortunate that my house faces south so the front rooms are bathed in light all day, my dining room gets only good morning light so those plants that can’t handle bright light go in there. If you want some recomendations for easy peasy plants to start with I’ve had great luck with Pothos, Peace Lily, Sansevieria or Mother in Laws Tongue. If your one to forget to water regularly, choose succulents as they need to be on the dry side.

Love my Alocasia!!💕

Ok so now on to a different Green subject….how is your journey to being “green” in your home coming along? By “green” I mean being aware of what we are buying and bringing into our homes, how we are cleaning our homes, what products are we putting on our bodies etc.

This is a huge passion for me and has been for years ….no I’m definately not perfect at it but perfection is really not the goal ! The goal is to change our habits one at a time …..become more aware of our choices , research and oh ya …a big one ….don’t be fooled by all the “green washing” out there!

So many products on the grocery store shelves say that they are an environmentally great choice but if you read the ingredients ….maybe not ….and the vast majority are in PLASTIC bottles !!

We need to consciously be aware of the plastics entering our homes and do everything we can to reduce what we are buying in my opinion.

Most plastics are not recyclable and those that are may not be recycled if the container was not cleaned before it went in the bin or there are no facilities to process them .

I have other blog posts about this subject so won’t blab on and on…..but here is some of what I do in my home, not to brag but I want everyone to know how easy it is to switch from bottles of chemicals to greener choices!

Here is my laundry room…super easy place to start…

Those blue eggs are Eco Eggs…I’ve spoken about them before. A British company …I bought them on the Shopping Channel many years ago….they contain small pelletts that rarely have to be topped up, maybe twice a year for the two of us doing laundry.

Dryer balls are a must ! No more dryer sheets for us !

The old canning jars hold Borax and an oxygen laundry booster I buy at my local waste free store…just take my containers and get them filled ! I also fill a bottle of the eco liqid laundry detergent so I have something for hand washing of delicates . The Sunlight soap is for stains or grease marks on hubbies shirts…it has always come packaged in paper !

Baking soda I buy in bulk for cooking and also cleaning .

Kitchen goodies !

In my kitchen I’ve had to make the biggest changes…no more paper towels….well to be honest I bought a few rolls from a great company called whogivesacrap.org….yes thats its name !! Mostly for draining bacon…🥴

I buy kleenex and paper towels from them, all bamboo , no trees lost! Their kleenex boxes dont have that nasty piece of plastic on top ..yeh !!And no plastic at all in their shipping boxes. I use bamboo reusable paper towels the most, they can be washed and dried over and over then composted when they wear out . They come from a great company called Wipe on us…I also use their bamboo disinfecting wipes since covid reared its ugly head…for surfaces or skin !

The spray bottle has my homemade cleaner made from orange and or lemon peels soaked in vinegar for a few weeks then strained and diluted 1 to 1 with water. Smells divine , cuts grease, disinfects and is super cheap ! Dont use on natural stone though because of the vinegar .

The shaker has baking soda for scouring ,the jar has eco dish liquid I get filled up at my zero waste store. The various cloths are from Eno…Austrian company that has been on the chemical free bandwagon for decades…their many different clothes use only water to clean ….Swedish dish clothes are made from cellulose…compostable as well. The scrubby is cotton, made in Portugal. These last two are readily available at places like Homesense.

The yellow can is scouring powder with bleach so not the most eco friendly choice but the container is cardboard and metal so will biodegrade. I only use it to clean my glass cooktop and stainless appliances…..like I said I’m not perfect !

Here’s my bathroom….bamboo toilet paper that comes individually wrapped in tissue paper, no plastic used in shipping. From Wipeonus…I also have to give a shout out to a company called Blueland…started by a Mom who was concerned about the chemicals in the products she was using . I love their hand soap tablets, just drop in water …also laundry detergents etc. They are a certfied carbon neutral company which is awesome !! Look them up at their website…blueland.com.

My tub niche is pretty empty as we dont buy bottles of stuff anymore…again my zero waste store sells an amazing shampoo bar that we both love . Its moisturizing enough we don’t need to buy the conditioner bar! The soap dishes are a silicone one and an very old one that was my Mom’s…I’ll reuse it forever probably because its plastic. Use what you have right !

Beside my sink a refillable soap jar , wood and boar bristle nailbrush, and an Eno face scrubber/ makeup remover pad . I had made some pads for makeup removing from old face cloths and use fractionated coconut oil( stays liquid) to remove stubborn mascara if I need it . My deodorant is from an awesome company called no pong…Australian but now shipped from Canada…love it !!

I haven’t greened up my tooth brush or paste yet…having worked in Dentistry I like my powered toothbrush…yes it will go to electronic recycling when its pooched…and not fond of tooth powder….we will see!

Well there is more I’m sure to chat about but this is a long post ! I’d love to hear what you are up to…lets have a great November! I’m loving the cooler temps though not looking forward to snow so much !

I’d love to hear what your up to…any spider plant,tips !!

Off to tidy my art room…my 3 year old Grandson informed me yesterday it was a mess !! Yikes !!

Cheers my friends! Make it a great day ! Jaye 💌

Summer 2021…

End of July……wow how time flies, right?? Summer zips by and we sometimes wonder… what did we do….?? I always feel I want to cram as much into my summer as possible but with the pandemic it’s not that easy! Besides, one thing I think we’ve all learned from the past year and 5 months is that the future is uncertain, so relax, take time for yourself, enjoy your home, get out and about in fresh air and appreciate all we have !

Happy to say I’ve been busy! Painting a bit, quilting a bit… Babysitting Grands, family get togethers, back to walking with some friends, expanding my houseplant collection….😉 trying to keep my garden from being swallowed up in weeds and enjoying all the blooms as they appear!

As is life, there is sorrow with joy sometimes and unfortunately we had to say good bye to my oldest Daughters cat Leo…13 years old and two of my youngest Daughter’s pups…Kazzy,13 and Peter…I think he was 6.They have left such a hole in our hearts…..I’m certain they were met on the rainbow bridge by my dog Tika and are all having a good romp together!♥️

Some quick little book marks..so fun to do
Endless summer hydrangea

Spring brought out the wildlife in my garden, all welcome but some needed some manners! I had a resident groundhog here for awhile who decided my Spring Garden was his personal salad bar! Dalias, echinacea, lettuces, purple globe flower and more all decimated…..I was not happy ! I love that the wildlife finds my garden suits them but jeepers leave me something !!

My little bunny on the other hand nibbles at the clover in the lawn and maybe some violet or rose leaves then meanders off….very polite she is !I have named her Beatrice ….😌😁

Little Beatrice

We had a short vacay to the Kawarthas to visit an elderly Aunt at her cottage…lovely to get away and listen to the waves and Loons!  My daughter in law and my Aunt and I spent a great afternoon at a fab antique mall near Peterborough….left a few things behind that I regret of course ! I love a good hunt for new treasures as does Jen…we were in our element!!

Here are two of my finds…an antique French linen towel…a new table runner I think! A rustic wood tray,so many uses!

The little brass trivet under my plant pot was so cute,I love to elevate things if you haven’t noticed! Beside it is an old French crock used to hold mustard with its original cork and wax seal intact !! Don’t worry, no old mustard in it ! The potter, LABLagry is still producing crockery in France! There was also a larger one without its seal that I regret not buying as well…they were 1/3 of what most are selling for…..sigh…maybe it will still be there next year ??  Unlikely!

This little plant stand I found at a antique and collectables store here at home…so cute ,it reminds me of a cartoon rendition of the landing gear on an Alien spaceship….makes me smile !!

Cooking as always is something I enjoy and summer is amazing with all the fresh produce! I found some gooseberrys at the farmers market and immediately was filled with the childhood memories of picking gooseberrys in our backyard, it seemed to be an after dinner activity, probably because it was cooler….then having to top and tail them by the quarts….not my fav activity as a kid but as my Mom said, “if you want to enjoy the jelly and pies then you have to help with work !!” Her jelly was awesome and  something I dearly  miss . I can still see the jelly bag hanging over a bowl in the dining room…a wooden spoon attached to twist the bag and encourage more juice to be released. It was always a clear pink colour and I always put  way too much on my toast !

Instead of jelly…too much work ….I made jam and it turned out great !

That same trip to the market I found garlic scapes….the bloom stem that the garlic bulbs send out. Last year I bought some and made Garlic Scape pesto….so incredibly easy to make and yummy ! 

Garlic Scape Pesto

I’ll post the recipe at the end ! May be too late to get some this year but keep it in mind for next!

Today I made my bruschetta toast for lunch and spread some of the pesto on the toast before my tomato mixture! Heavenly….here is how I make bruschetta….sorry, no real measurements, that’s how I roll, so feel free to add more or less of the ingredients, make it your own !


So I used my homemade bread this time but traditionally you would use banquette…..again any bread is ok …one with a bit of oomph as my Mom would have said, is better to hold the weight of the toppings ! One tomato depending on size should feed two people with this recipe , just double or triple for a crowd!

In the bowl I put one peeled and seeded tomato, chopped….some red onion finely chopped…chopped fresh basil and parsley, to taste,. Salt and pepper, a wee drizzle of extra virgin olive oil…normally I would add a clove of finely minced garlic and some freshly grated parmesan cheese but as the pesto has alot of garlic and Parm in it I left it out.  Just a thought…any homemade or store bought pesto can be substituted for my garlic Scape pesto !!

Spread some pesto on your toasted bread…I just popped it in the toaster….top with the tomatoes mixture….and if you wish add some cheese on top! Why not !!! Pop it under the broiler to melt the cheese and heat it all up !

Perfection !!

And here my friends is a nice , super healthy lunch or supper ….your welcome !

Here’s the recipe for the pesto…I found it online on Pinterest by vanillaandbean.com.

Garlic Scape Pesto

10 garlic scapes ..bloom end cut off and discarded,snap tough ends off like you would asparagus

1/3 cup pine nuts or I used almonds and walnuts as that’s what I had

1/3 cup Parmesan cheese

1/2 lemon juiced

1/3 cup olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Add all ingredients to food processor EXCEPT olive oil….give it a good whiz until it’s quite fine ….pour in olive oil slowly and let mix up for about a minute…put in clean jars …will keep for a few days in fridge or in freezer for months .

Hope you can give it a try !

I hope all of you are enjoying your summer..dont dwell on the hardships….take notice of the beauty around you and be grateful…that’s the secret to having a beautiful life…

Till next time, bye from me and my Little Green Cottage!🙏

Cheers !!

My dream bathroom!

Well folks , its been a longtime coming but my new bathroom reveal is here ! For those who are new to my Blog, our home is a century Ontario cottage, circa 1875 and under 900 square feet . One bathroom so gutting it presented a bit of an issue!

I still can’t believe its done…..3 weeks with no sink or shower wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. We have 2 sinks in this house, kitchen and bathroom, so the kitchen got used as a bathroom sink and scrubbed out daily …..enough said ! I showered at my oldest Daughters house .

Her husband David did the reno for us . He works for a residential and commercial renovation company so he had the skills and is a perfectionist so I knew it would be done well!

Heres a before….not horrible but was done cheaply 20 years ago when the house was flipped. A piece of kitchen cabinetry was used for a vanity, no drawers and difficult to organize. I liked the wainscoting but it had been painted a few times and wasnt looking so good ! Other things were just showing their age , the old enameled tub was chipped and disoloured, the toilet was a low flo but very low to the ground !

The cabinet above the toilet was ok but there was so much wasted space around it …I wanted open shelves so I could store more things and make it pretty ,cause if you know me I love to decorate!

Ta Da!!

Welcome to the new “toilet”!

I had this vision in my head for years ! We were given the Antique dresser and mirror by a neighbour when she moved quite a few years ago…it was completely falling apart and had been painted multiple times ! Its probably early 20th century and had been in her family for a long time . Hubby John and I stripped it and refinished it …a real beauty under all that yuk!

Hello beautiful !
Mirror mirror on the wall…you are so pretty !

The lovely oval mirror that came with it has some great patina in the glass and as it is quite heavy, Dave suggested we use a french cleat to hang it. Its sturdy and doesnt move at all, great solution …I was envisioning hanging it with wire and a screw and it crashing down and smashing !!! No chance of that thank goodness …I can sleep now !!

My dream was to make the dresser a vanity but was afraid it would be too difficult. Its not that big but we got around that by having an off cut of quartz fitted a couple of inches bigger at the front and sides. The company who did it were awesome, they gave us good advice about the size and we had it installed 6 days after they came to measure it !

We chose a square ceramic sink by Kraus and a Moen faucet with an antique look to it in brushed nickel.

The plumber was able to reroute the pipes from coming up through the floor to coming out of the wall, high enough that only one big drawer had to be cut to fit around the pipes !the two top drawers just need a minor adjustment to fit around the drain.

The flooring we had left over from our kitchen ,a flexible vinyl plank ,so easy to install right over the existing ceramic tile. It is easy to clean and nice to walk on , much warmer than ceramic!

I saw a bathroom done with vertical shiplap on Pinterest a few years ago and new that that was what I wanted!

The look is in keeping with an old home and it makes this small room feel so spacious !I could not be happier with it and covers multitude of sins! The sconces I just love, from Wayfair.ca, brushed nickel, milk glass shades, soft LED bulbs set on a dimmer switch….before we had one light over the vanity but changing to two sconces really made the room feel updated and brighter ! We updated the GFI plug to one with a built in night light! So glad Dave suggested these small changes that make a big difference !

We did very simple 5 inch baseboard and 3 in window and door trim. Keeping it clean and simple !Dave would’nt agree to the word simple as nothing in my house is straight…I’ve always referred to it as my crooked little house because it is ! He struggled with all the angles and wavy ceiling but did a fantastic job. Not sure he’d agree to do anymore renos for us though !

Behind the toilet I envisioned nice open shelves, a much better use of space ! The brackets are by rubbermaid, from Lowes in antique bronze. The shelves we made from a knotty pine board cut into 3 lengths, then Hubby routed the edge and I white washed them with watered down wall paint . The walls and trim are Benjamin Moores’ Chantilly Lace.

The tub is new …very simple, no bells and whistles, but as I love the occasional bubble bath,I picked one with a sloped end , it is so comfortable to lay back on…

Our old toilet was a 6 litre low flow but was 20 years old so we went with a new American Standard 4.6 litre flush with a skirted trapway…makes cleaning the outside of it a breeze! It’s also a comfort height…17 inches high I believe. We will also have grab bars installed in the tub/shower, important to plan for the future ! We replaced the very basic towel bars ,toilet paper holder etc with nice brushed nickel ones again from Lowes . It was a challenge to buy the majority of the items on line rather than going to the store but with Covid and doing it during our lockdown we had no choice. Thankfully I was happy with all my choices !

The tile was bought at a discount from someone who had it left over from a project and the marble look mosaic in the niche was free! Gotta love a deal !! I wanted to be very conscious of the budget as we planned this reno, bathrooms, like kitchens can be so expensive and get out of hand very easily . We plan to age in place here so things must last and I’m pretty sure nothing will need to be redone in my lifetime !

I searched for weeks online for a shower curtain…kind of knew what I wanted but couldn’t find just the right one ! Then one night I saw an ad for Simons an amazing store based out of Quebec and thought ,well I’ve visited them twice at their Edmonton store and their homegoods section is fantastic so lets see what they have and bingo …exactly the curtain I wanted popped up !! It arrived with some new towels .and a bath mat…well you know… free shipping over a certain amount ! 🤭 It just fits with the cottagey feeling! Honestly if you need anything check out Simons , a Canadian company that has been in the same family since the 1800’s!

The white linen cabinet I finally found on Amazon and I’m so pleased with it ! I had a 3 shelf IKEA unit there for years but this is taller and holds so much more ! You can never have too much storage anywhere in your house …of course my wee house has a serious lack thereof so I’m always purging and trying to organize !

It sure looks like its leaning in the pic …it’s really not that bad but is in need of a wee shim !!

Thankyou for touring the new bathroom at Fir Cottage with me …it was a dream come true and My hubs is just as in love with it as I am …he was even rearranging the shelves last night , as he thought they were too cluttered! Guess I’m rubbing off on him !

Lovely Lilac

I think we can take a break from projects for awhile , nothing pressing I can think of ! Lol you never know !!

Until next time I hope you are keeping well and happy !

Happy summer ! Jaye

Spring and another lockdown!!

Happy Spring to everyone here in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Autumn to those in the southern part of our planet!! Both seasons are perhaps my favorites. Spring because life is finally bursting forth from the Earth after a long winters sleep and Autumn because I have a birthday then (I love Birthdays) and I always welcome cooler days and all the colours of the foliage!

Here in Ontario we are once again in lockdown as the numbers are up and hospitals full. It always amazes me how we have gotten so used to wearing our masks, cleaning our hands continuously and restricting shopping to only necessary visits . Sometimes it’s hard to remember life as it once was.

Anyhoo not going to dwell on all that this post ….been there, have the t-shirt…..sorry, overused expression…just thankful we are healthy and I can soon get out to clean up the perennial beds and plant some summer bulbs and veggies! I am planting dahlias for the first time in years! I stopped because I always forgot to lift the bulbs in the fall and store them, waste of money! Here’s hoping I turn over a new leaf! 🤣

These little darlings have popped up here and there, didn’t plant them and can’t remember their name but the colour is intense and I love it !Are they bluebells ??

We have mini daffodils and narcissus,full size daffs too. A few red mini tulips poke up here and there but are done now……crocus as well. My Balsam fir in the backyard has clumps of snowdrops around its trunk,they are the first flower to push up through the snow . I get very excited when I first see the little green sprouts ! Here are some decorating my Easter table .

Violets and Lily of the Valley Spring up next …still a few weeks away for the Lily of the Valley but the Violets last for ages ! Last summer I infused Violets into a simple syrup to use in drinks and cocktails . Took a bit of work and didn’t find I used it much so probably won’t do it again but it was so pretty!

I’ve been concentrating on doing stuff in the house all winter , made a couple of quilts ,did a bit of my painting, though not much I’m ashamed to say! Worked on purging stuff again…I seem to do that alot although I’m not a hoarder at all…..I love dishes ,old ones especially and found there was alot taking up space that I didn’t use or really didn’t like !

My late Mom loved dishes but her taste was different then mine so why was I keeping things of hers that I didn’t like? I know she wouldn’t care. I have heirloom dishes that I treasure of hers and my Grandmothers but some of the more modern things I passed on to a thrift store that helps immigrants and others find free or reasonably priced housewares and clothing .

I filled a bag with clothes too that I hadn’t worn in ages or didn’t like…felt great to say goodbye to it all and wish it luck in it’s new home !

I am always thankful for the love of reading that was instilled in me as a child! I’ve lost count of the books I’ve read this past year but it’s alot !! Books give me comfort and I’ve found that I like light reading the most ,cosy mysteries, women’s fiction….sometimes I think I should read something heavier but I only spend time now doing what I really like! My bookclub…gosh I miss those people…..pushed my boundaries alot with the books they chose, some I loved , some I really hated and didn’t finish because really ,life is too short for forcing some authors work down your throat if you hate it !

As a 65 year old lady I decided ages ago to do what brings me joy and do what interests me….I had an 80+ year old dental patient many many years ago who brought all of us gifts at Christmas. We thanked her profusely and the receptionist said ” oh you didn’t have to do this!” The lovely ladies reply was” I never do anything I don’t want to !” Her husband heartily agreed!

That really stuck with me! Yes sometimes you need to do things you would rather not,that’s life, but if you can fill your days with activities that make you happy you will be so much more content !

Here I tried encouraging Springy weather by switching up some of my paintings for spring themed ones …really freshened up my rooms,throw pillows and throws can be switched out for lighter colours too..

Monarch on some milkweed

This quilt my Paternal Grandmother made completely by hand for me . I received it when I was 9. She lived in Saskatchewan so I only met her twice in my life but I will always treasure this. It’s been folded away for decades and my husband said well why don’t you use it ?? So I am , it’s small, twin size so it’s my summer throw on my couch now ! These pillows I love , they come out every Spring ! What do you do when the seasons change…in or out side of your home ?

Have you started a new hobby or activity to get through these crazy times ? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear what has helped to keep you sane! We are all in this together and maybe we can encourage each other to expand our horizons and try something new !

Enjoy the new season that is upon us and stay positive !

Until next time !🌷Jaye