This and that !

Good morning!

What are you appreciating today ?

Me….I’m healthy , breathing, surrounded by people I love..and they love me back . I’ve spent time with all my children and Grandchildren in the last few days ! My 5 Granchldren are a HUGE blessing …can’t get enough of their smiles and hugs…joy just eminates from them!

My garden , my sanctuary , is bursting with life . My Peonies are finally blooming …. My Grandaughter Mabel asked what is my favorite flower ? I told her I have too many favorites to list but our Spring blooms are at the top!

Gardening is something I’ve done since….well my earliest memory is at 2 ,helping my Dad in our garden . He was raised on a farm and could build or fix anything but his gardens were legendary ! He won 3 Trillium Awards here in London Ontario and recieved 2 awards from the city of Richmond BC when he and my Mum moved there in the mid ’70’s and he had to start his garden again from scratch . His Rose’s were legendary ! As a child he had endless patience teaching me not only about growing plants but about nature and the importance of insects etc.

When I was about 9 he gave me a small plot in the veggie garden and told me I could plant whatever I wanted ! Well, I dont remember much about what I planted except I wanted poppies so I planted a bunch of mixed colour seeds , now I think about it they must have been Icelandic poppies …. I remember a riot of colour and poppies being in vases on the supper table every night…I loved to “arrange ” flowers way back then !

He cursed me though for a few years after as he had poppies coming up everywhere he didn’t want them ! Mom just smiled as she new how happy they had made me ! He kept letting me plant though ..gourds were a favorite and morning glories !

Cool weather is making my Peonies slow to open….sigh….patience!

Back to my Blessings ..I’ve met new friends ,connected with old ones . Looking forward to dinner out with a special lady I used to work with later this week. Planning to get away to the family cottage with my Hubby for a few days of just doing nothing !

I’ve nurtured my talents and interests…make time for what you love to do and if you need to find people to help you…. do that .

I’ve always been an artist but 11 years ago when I reached out to learn watercolour painting it changed my life ! My teacher/mentor Helen and all the ladies and once in awhile a gent, who I paint with weekly are true Blessings ! We have so much fun !

I could go on ! We all need to put our worries aside once in awhile and think of all the good that we have in our lives…there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for !

Ahhh…my daily cup(s) of tea …made in my favorite pot …

Well I have a few favorite pots !

Can’t do without my tea…or the first cup of coffee my husband hands me in the morning ….ambrosia !

I have made my life one that is full of blessings…said goodbye to people who didn’t serve my happiness …who stressed me out …everyone comes into our lives for a reason but not all are meant to stay ….learn from them ,the good and the bad and wish them well on their journey.

This quote resonated with me …sometimes I feel , like most of us I’m sure, that I’m not doing terribly important stuff. But all the things I do add up to BIG things ! I’m happy which reflects onto the people around me and my family and friends, I know, appreciate what I do for them .

Give more than you receive…give, out of love not obligation….and the Universe will smile down at you! You recieve back what you put out so keep positive!

Have a beautiful day , make a list on paper or in your head , and realize how blessed you are !

💟 Jaye

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